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Donate to Mp4Hydra

All donations are anonymous. Donations will automatically go towards server and website hosting costs.

Jump to: Bitcoin - Litecoin - Monero - OpenAlias

Monero (XMR) (Recommended)

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We currently recommend Monero (XMR) cryptocurrency because all transactions with Monero are anonymous and untraceable. We strongly value the privacy of our users. For more information on Monero, see the official website.

If you don't have any Monero, you can easily exchange your national currency, or other cryptocurrency, for Monero (XMR) with services listed on this page.

Litecoin (LTC)

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Litecoin has low transfer fees and is widely available. New MWEB (Mimblewimble Extension Blocks) privacy features were added in 2022.

If you are running newer Litecoin software which supports MWEB transactions, usually Litecoin Core, you can take advantage of this by sending to our MWEB wallet at the following address. If you're not sure, use the address above.

LTC MWEB Address:

Bitcoin (BTC)

QR Code

Bitcoin has high tranaction fees and is less private than other crypto donation options, however it's the most popular cryptocurrency worldwide. We recommend using low transaction fees if possible, to save your money.


Copy any of the following addresses into your wallet app:

OpenAlias makes it easy to send cryptocurrency payments by just having to remember a domain name or email address. Your wallet must support OpenAlias for this to work. OpenAlias official website

Currently our OpenAlias addresses will work with Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), and Monero (XMR).

Other donation methods

We are working on adding other donation methods.

Thank you

Thanks for any donations!

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